Sonic Eyx

Sonic Eyx
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Sonic.EYX is a fan-made horror game that takes the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog franchise into eerie and unsettling territory. In this article, we’ll delve into the gameplay, controls, game modes, and special features of Sonic.EYX, providing answers to frequently asked questions about this unique take on the Sonic universe.


Sonic.EYX starts innocently enough, with players initially taking control of Tails. However, things quickly take a dark turn as Sonic.EYX manipulates the game. Glitches abound, and the familiar Sonic world becomes increasingly distorted with each launch. The game crashes intentionally, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

Guide to Controls

Mastering the controls is essential for surviving Sonic.EYX’s twisted world:

  • Arrow keys: Move Tails or other characters through the levels.
  • Spacebar: Jump to avoid obstacles and enemies.
  • Z key: Perform special attacks or interact with objects.

Game Modes

Sonic.EYX offers several game modes:

  • Story Mode: Uncover the mystery behind Sonic.EYX’s influence on the game world. Progress through levels, encountering corrupted versions of familiar characters.
  • Endless Mode: Survive as long as possible in an ever-changing environment. The glitches intensify, making this mode particularly challenging.
  • Speedrun Mode: Race against the clock to complete levels. Perfect your movements and avoid glitches to achieve the fastest time.

Special Features

Here are some standout features of Sonic.EYX:

  • Easter Eggs: Search for hidden secrets and references to other Sonic games. Some Easter eggs provide valuable insights into the game’s lore.
  • Death Scenes: Encounter unsettling moments when characters meet their demise. These scenes add to the horror and suspense.
  • Distorted Screens: Keep an eye out for screens that glitch and warp. They often contain cryptic messages or hints.

Remember, Sonic.EYX is not for the faint of heart. Its blend of classic Sonic gameplay and eerie twists creates a unique experience that will keep you on edge throughout your playthrough.